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If you are a member, you can submit the form below to make a donation to us. If not, become a member and donate.



Donations are how we meet our initial capital needs. We invest all donations in the individuals and resources we need to recruit members, raise more donations, and develop and monetize our web browser. We are beyond grateful for any amount.

First name *

Last name *

Membership email address *

Are you donating for the first time? *

Are you a User Cooperative member? *

This form is for our members. If you are not a member, become a member and donate.

Important notes

1. Donations are non-refundable.

3. Temporary note: If you donate, User Cooperative will charge your payment method one (1) time. However, you may receive two (2) different email receipts for your payment, and User Cooperative may appear on your bank/card statement as "Op Userc" or some variation. This is due to a programming redundancy between, our website's host, and Stripe, our payment processor. We apologize for any confusion this may cause, and we will fix this as soon as possible. In the meantime, the email receipt you receive from Stripe is your official receipt.

2. If you are donating for the first time, we will email you a First Cohort Mission Patch that includes the Gold Donor Star.

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