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Invite a friend to become a User Cooperative member

This form is intended for User Cooperative's members. If you aren't yet a member, we cordially invite you to become a member.

Friend's First Name *

Friend's Last Name *

Friend's Email Address *

Your First Name *

Your Last Name *

Your Membership Email Address *

Are you a User Cooperative member? *

How do you want this invitation to refer to you? *

If "Other," how do you want this invitation to refer to you? (Please use lowercase.)

Note. We use your inputs to customize your invitation. See a sample email invitation

Why invitations?

We need to build our membership

Cooperatives start with members. So, building our membership is our top priority. Member donations are a close second.

You submit the form

Once you've filled it out, of course.

How invitations work

Word of mouth creates momentum

This is how tech companies get big, and invitations help get the (snow)ball rolling.

We send your friend an email invitation

We use your form inputs to send a polished personalized email to your friend, inviting them to become a member.

Your friend becomes a member on our site

Your friend follows a link to our website in your invitation and becomes a member using our standard form

Sample invitation


The email invitation we send to your friend, just so you know

Invite a Friend

Ads are too expensive

Companies with big budgets bid up the price for effective ad space, and that makes it too expensive for us right now.

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