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We are a pre-product web browser startup that is uniquely structured as a 100% member-owned consumer cooperative to get you "equity for clicks." We are now building our membership and raising donations to meet our initial capital needs.


The user-owned web browser startup

We are a pre-product web browser startup that is uniquely structured as a consumer cooperative – a 100% member-owned and -governed company – to make “equity for clicks” possible for our upcoming browser. We are now building our membership and raising donations so that we can build it.


We are a consumer cooperative

We are a 100% member-owned and -governed consumer cooperative. This structure makes "equity for clicks" possible by enabling us to (1) distribute all of our profits and gains to our members in proportion to their clicks, etc. on our services and (2) grant each member a vote in governing us.

Equity for your "clicks" on a web browser

Our mission is to use our unique consumer-cooperative structure to enable you to participate in all our profits, gains, and governance on the basis of your clicks, etc. on our upcoming Surge Browser. 



A spin on cooperative taxonomy

Our name is a spin on cooperative taxonomy, which classifies cooperatives according to who owns them – there are consumer cooperatives, producer cooperatives, and worker cooperatives, for example.


Equity for your “clicks” beyond a web browser

Our vision is to become the most equitable, innovative, and useful consumer internet technology company on Earth.

1. Members and funding

Use our website to form an association of members and collect donations from members to meet our initial capital needs. Free membership is value-maximizing to our members because it enables us to achieve the greatest possible scale.

How we build

Cooperatives like us have to build a membership and raise money from their members before they can offer services to them. Cooperatives cannot have conventional investors because all equity participation belongs to members on the basis of their transactions with their cooperatives.

2. Capital deployment and growth

Invest our donations in the individuals and resources we need to recruit members, raise more donations, and develop and monetize our web browser. The time to making our Surge Browser available to our members depends on how fast we can build our membership and raise donations.

3. Surge Browser monetization

Earn income from search engine royalties and targeted ads, which will be displayed in new tabs, notifications, sponsored content, etc.

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In-apps notifications icon recty.png

4. Reinvest and distribute income

Use income from our Surge Browser to ensure it is the best, pay member dividends, and offer our members other services.


Matt Martensen

Matt is an average user, who is working on getting you equity for your clicks.


Durango, Colorado

We are headquartered in Durango, Colorado, a small town on the "Western Slope" that is home to world-class outdoor activities.   


Maximize value to members

Our purpose is to maximize the value of the equity we grant to our members in exchange for their clicks, etc. on our internet technology services.

No data capitalization without equity participation. Get equity for your clicks on a web browser.


Meet our team

Meet the professionals behind "equity for clicks."

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